I wrote this blog post five years ago, on our Grandma's 88th birthday. Today she turns 93. The words are just as true today, as they were then.

Grandma is in the advanced stages of dementia, and it has not been easy the last few years.

At the same time they have been wonderful. Every day is a gift. Each time I visit Grandma, she teaches wisdom and love- even when words are difficult. Her overwhelming love for Grandpa is always apparent, as well as the love for her family.
Anytime family is around she visibly experiences peace and contentment. For as long as I can remember- the one thing Grandma always wanted was to be surrounded by her family. I will forever be thankful for this extra time that has let my kids know their great grandma.
While her soul and body long for Heaven, I pray that she knows how precious she is to us, and that we treasure every moment with her.
Today our Grandma Jean turned 93.

93 stunningly beautiful years. Isn't she gorgeous?!

She made the ranch home for her kids, grandkids, great-grandkids.

No matter where life has taken all of us- we know the ranch as home. Because she is here.

She taught us how to live a life worth living. One that honors God. One that gives more than it takes.

And, how to laugh. Her advice to my sister before she got married was, "Make sure you marry someone that can make you laugh. Grandpa can make me laugh even when I am as mad as hell!" Man can she laugh....

We love you Grandma Jean, and are so thankful that God gave us you!
